The interface between organizational memory and knowledge management
observations in the SEBRAE archive – PB
Organizational Memory; Knowledge management; Archive; Sebrae/PB.Abstract
It aims to understand an interface between Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management based on theoretical foundations and information in the archive at the Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises in the state of Paraíba - Sebrae / PB. The research stands out as bibliographic and field, exploratory of a descriptive character, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The participant observation technique was adopted with notes provided in the field diary, which served as an instrument for data collection in the researched institution's file, with analysis of crossing with the literature. The results related to the use of documents by type and documentary typology, their functions for decisions, the contributions of the archive and the requirements of those obliged to comply that the organizational memory contributes to the process of management, sharing and creation of knowledge.
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